New Year's 2019

Turning the Page


The work we do is all about new beginnings, always! We are used to waiting for new Life, continually expecting the unexpected, looking for a miracle every day. A person can’t live in this kind of creative abundance and not see the effects in her own life! Big things are happening all around us as we Midwives of Full Circle Midwifery open our hands and hearts to a new year. 2019 is a beautiful big book just turned to the first page. Let me share a few of the exciting things we see written there.



If you haven’t come by yet, you should see our new space at Sundara Wellness Center on Peabody Avenue in Memphis! We love the community of providers we joined when we opened our clinic here in August 2018. Our clients benefit from access to acupuncture, physical therapy, dietetics, massage, Pilates, and yoga, as well as our midwifery services and primary care for women.

We still have the little home clinic in Hernando, MS and enjoy seeing families there as well. There is plenty of space outside and in the waiting area for little ones to play while mamas spend time with their Midwives.



Martina Benson is back from a 2 year hiatus in Italy. She saw her younger daughter and niece through their last two years of high school there and enjoyed travel, the outdoors, and learning about Italian culture, language, and food. We are overjoyed to have her back doing her thing in Memphis where she always returns to serve mamas and babies since she first came here from Germany in the early 1990s. She has an adventurous spirit, no doubt, but also a strong pull to Memphis and the people she loves here.



Missy is growing her family with a new baby at age 47! Sometimes the unexpected happens in life, and that’s what happened when her family decided to adopt a little guy in need of a home and a big heart surgery. Prenatal appointments with Missy now include a visit with Vincent who just turned 6 months on December 21.



Lanai is on the verge of outgrowing her role as apprentice. She sent in all of her NARM paperwork in late December and was given a test date! Watch for your newest Full Circle CPM any day now. She is competent, compassionate, and will continue to be the asset to our practice and our clients that she has been in the years of her apprenticeship.



Amy White has joined us during all of these transitions in 2018. She graduated with a masters in Nurse Midwifery this past year, and tried a few home births with Missy to experience some out of hospital deliveries. In her own words, she “was hooked”. Nothing else compares to the feeling of supporting a healthy woman delivering her baby safely on her own terms in her own home surrounded by the loved ones she chooses to have with her. Amy has also taken a position with Sundara Wellness providing excellent primary care for women including well woman care, sick visits, and  hormonal support. She is the best listener! If you see her for Care, you won’t leave feeling like you weren’t heard.



So many things are in the works: Childbirth classes, Le Leche League of Desoto county meetings at Eudora Presbyterian Church sponsored by Missy, workshops, continuing education opportunities; are some of the things we are looking forward to. We can’t wait to see what new things are birthed this year for and from Full Circle Midwifery.


Call and come see us!

We’d love for you to be part of it all!

Melissa Padgett